The best-looking website in the world is not much help if it clashes with its owner’s message and mission. Effective website development involves careful planning. It starts with identification of the audiences to be reached by the website, the messages to be conveyed, and the relationships of both of these to the organization’s mission.
Because websites are capable of delivering a wide range of content including video, audio, interactive applications as well as text and graphics, these kinds of content become part of the planning. Also considered is the role of various database applications, email lists and other similar components to the modern web presence. Some of these are relatively easy to deliver, some require meticulous programming. We walk you through a detailed process designed to produce a comprehensive inventory of the kinds of Web applications that will best advance your interests.
Division of labor
Throughout the process, NetPresence begins with the principle that you know your business, your market, or cause and the people involved with you. We understand the Web, how it works, its possibilities, risks and limitations as well as what people ordinarily expect to find at a business or organization website. This suggests a natural division of labor in which site content is generally the purview of the client, and NetPresence’s role is to help you deliver that content in a manner suitable to your needs and resources. If you need extensive help with the content of your site, we have partners who can help you.